… so beginnt ein bemerkenswerter Brief an den Chef im Weißen Haus.
Douglas G. Logan, der neue CEO des amerikanischen Leichtathletikverbandes USA Track & Field, bittet darin George W. Bush, das Gnadengesuch der Doperin Marion Jones-Thompson abzulehnen.
Jones sitzt derzeit im Bundesgefängnis von Fort Worth (Texas) eine halbjährige Haftstrafte wegen Meineids ab. Bis September müsste sie dort noch ausharren.
Logan hat seinen Job vor ein paar Tagen angetreten, dieser Brief – soeben veröffentlicht – ist eine seiner ersten Amtshandlungen, derlei Töne hat man von einem US-Sportfunktionär selten gehört:
Dear President Bush,
They say you can’t always believe what you read in the papers. So, when I read that Marion Jones has applied to you for a pardon or commutation of her federal conviction for making false statements to investigators, I couldn’t believe it. She lied to federal agents. She took steroids. She made false statements in a bank fraud investigation – not necessarily in that order. She admitted it. And now she apparently wants to be let off.
As the new CEO of USA Track & Field, I have a moral and practical duty to make the case against her request.
With her cheating and lying, Marion Jones did everything she could to violate the principles of track and field and Olympic competition. When she came under scrutiny for doping, she taunted any who doubted her purity, talent and work ethic. Just as she had succeeded in duping us with her performances, she duped many people into giving her the benefit of the doubt.
She pointed her finger at us, and got away with it until federal investigators teamed up with USADA and finally did her in. It was a sad thing to watch, the most glorious female athlete of the 20th century in tears on courthouse steps.
Our country has long turned a blind eye to the misdeeds of our heroes. If you have athletic talent or money or fame, the law is applied much differently than if you are slow or poor or an average American trying to get by. At the same time, all sports have for far too long given the benefit of the doubt to its heroes who seem too good to be true, even when common sense indicates they are not.
To reduce Ms. Jones‘ sentence or pardon her would send a horrible message to young people who idolized her, reinforcing the notion that you can cheat and be entitled to get away with it. A pardon would also send the wrong message to the international community. Few things are more globally respected than the Olympic Games, and to pardon one of the biggest frauds perpetuated on the Olympic movement would be nothing less than thumbing our collective noses at the world.
In my new job as CEO of USA Track & Field, I must right the ship that Ms. Jones and other athletes nearly ran aground. I implore you, Mr. President: Please don’t take the wind out of our sails.
Respectfully Yours,
Douglas G. Logan
USATF hat das Schreiben mit einer Email-Aktion unterstützt. „Cheaters don’t win!“ heißt es da. Wer mag, kann Bush mal die Meinung sagen.
Wollen wir mal hoffen, dass der Brief nicht per Email versendet wurde, sonst passiert so etwas http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=174783&title=be-patient-this-gets-amazing
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