The Kuwait Empire (I): presidential successor Husain Al-Musallam in place as FINA swims against the olympic tide on age limit

The succession plan backed by big Middle Eastern money is in place: last week International Swimming Federation FINA took a retrograde step by voting against the tide of Olympic trend on age limits for high office, for a reversal of a promise to have the president stay on for two terms only and for a move that will allow the current head honcho to step aside mid-term around 2019 so that the international federation can be led by a man from Kuwait, a nation with no world-class swimming program.
Backed by delegates of USAS, the umbrella body for USA Swimming, delegates from 139 out of more than 200 member states voted by majority (the actual numbers were not stated in FINA’s announcement to the media) at Congress in Kazan on the eve of the opening ceremony for the world championships in Tartarstan to the following: