FIFA-corruption: Richard Pound demands investigative commission and law enforcement assistance
Ein Mann, ein Wort. Ich habe Richard Pound gefragt, ob die Korruption im Exekutivkomitee des Fußball-Weltverbandes FIFA und bei der Vergabe der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften 2018 und 2022 nicht endlich durch eine internationale Untersuchungskommission aufgearbeitet werden müssen.
Natürlich, sagt Dick Pound:
Well, if I wanted to do a serious and credible job, I would be sure to have at least some non-FIFA people on the commission. I would also ask for some law enforcement assistance.
I would also make the terms of reference public, to demonstrate that I was serious. I would also set up a mechanism to permit anyone with knowledge to provide it, even on anonymous basis, if necessary.
Samaranch chaired our Reform Commission, but did not sit on my ad hoc Investigation Commission. If I were Blatter, I would do the same. We also had outsiders on that Reform Commission, in addition to IF and NOC representatives, so it might be wise to have some NFs on the FIFA Commission.